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Donate and Make Hearts Soar!

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Life On Art is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization, and your donation is tax deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. Life On Art's EIN is 87-3805682. Please keep your receipt as your official record. We'll email it to you upon successful completion of your donation.

Support Life On Art

Life On Art makes the healing power of art available to those that often feel unseen and forgotten. Through community building and artistic activism, we advocate for human rights and systemic change.

We invite communities’ impacted by systemic injustices to art workshops where they explore and share their stories, and build the components of large-scale artworks. These programs foster a sense of belonging, self-expression, hope and purpose. Together with our volunteers, we provide workshops for schools, the public, and those in the caring professions.

Life On Art works in California state correctional facilities and psychiatric hospitals, with at-promise youth, with veterans, and with nonprofit partners to serve trauma-impacted people.

Your donation will support our therapeutic artmaking and art activism programming for youth and adults across Northern California and beyond. Join us as we envision a just world where all people have access to artistic opportunities for healing and community connection.

Visions of Hope

Visions of Hope is a multimedia installation of the art of people experiencing incarceration in California. Through their creative expressions, this exhibition aims to build bridges and awareness between incarcerated individuals and the public, and to advocate for criminal justice reforms and access to the arts in prisons.

More than 225 men and women participated in creating art for this exhibition. They are currently incarcerated in eight prisons across California.

Frequently asked questions